This class is for Procreate for iPad.
It's not for Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Love the watercolor look, but find it difficult and overwhelming
to achieve just the right digital combination?

Intro to Watercolor for Procreate
will open your eyes to winning combinations
and wondrous creativity.

Beginner Friendly, Step-by-Step Painting Instruction
with the Procreate App for iPad.

Lesson 1: Fun with Watercolor Brushes

Blending is not the only benefit of watercoloring,
but it's a big one!

In Lesson 1, you'll use the class watercolor brushes
to explore simple and useful techniques.

Even if you are a beginner, you can do this!

Lesson 2: Blended Photo Mask

Have you seen realistic-looking
digital watercolor projects like this
and wondered how they were created?

In this lesson, you'll create a blended watercolor mask, clip a photo to it, and then let the colors shine through with the help of a Blend Mode.

You'll be wowed by the versatility of the Procreate app!

Lesson 3: Geo Shapes

Developing a joy for digital painting
has never been easier.

In Lesson 3, you'll create geometric watercolor shapes with the help of the Selection Tool.

Now you're on a roll and learning new things
without even realizing it!

Lessons 4 & 5: Flower Vase Part 1 & 2

Lesson by lesson, your inner artist
is starting to shine through.
You're going to feel it happening!

In Lessons 4 and 5, you'll step up your watercolor game by mixing techniques to create a framable piece of art.

How adorable would these look on your wall??

Here's What You Need to Complete This Class

An iPad (check to see if your iPad version will work)

A compatible Apple Pencil

The Procreate app for iPad (available for purchase in the App Store)


Syndee Rogers is a licensed artist and illustrator who specializes in digital art, watercolor, graphic design, and iPad creativity. With over 25 years experience creating and teaching art, as well as collaborations with arts and crafts companies, she's adapted to the changing trends of the art world, using several styles and mediums across different platforms. She loves anything kitschy, books old and new, and a good cup of tea.

This class is for Procreate for iPad.
It's not for Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Enroll Today!

What To Expect from This Class

This classes uses the Procreate app for iPad.

Procreate is not available for Android tablets.

When a computer is involved, instruction is provided for both Windows and Mac.

This is a self-paced class. You choose when to start and when to end.

Class lessons can be streamed online with (optional) closed captioning

or you can download the entire class and learn offline.

Includes 5 videos + step-by-step PDF manuals for every lesson.

The class download includes 8 Procreate brushes, Procreate color swatches, brush strokes practice sheet, reference images, and a bonus How to Draw a Cherry worksheet.

All classes include Forever Access and our 30-day Money Back Guarantee!

For question about this class, contact Syndee Rogers.